Specially designed for refrigerated warehouses, where the priority is the perfect isolation of the loading point from outside temperatures and the entrance of any element, particle, insect or bird during the loading and unloading of the goods.
It stands out for its inflatable fabric (non-PVC), unique in the market for its high resistance to friction, abrasion and puncturing. Inflation is carried out by means of a simple and efficient mechanism, which allows the trailer to be sealed in a few seconds, preventing even the slightest light from entering. In addition, the shelter has a sturdy galvanized steel structure capable of withstanding the work of the usual vehicles on loading docks.
The inflatable shelter provides 90% more insulation than the retractable one, reduces water condensation in the installation (ceiling and floor) and provides a safe and comfortable working environment. It is also worth mentioning the enormous energy savings that the installation of this shelter entails, since it prevents the industrial refrigeration equipment from working continuously, increasing the electricity bill.
ACABADOS | Tipo | Autoportante - Rápida Instalación |
Acabado | Acero Galvanizado – Inox. (opcional) | |
Zona superior | Inclinado para desalojo del agua de lluvia | |
Componentes | Premontados en la estructura | |
Herrajes | Acero Galvanizado | |
Medida | Standard 3500x3700 (otras consultar) |
VENTILADOR | Acabado | Lacado con pintura epoxi para soportar la corrosión |
Accionamiento | Mediante Selector on/off | |
Consumo | 0,37 Kw (ventilador de baja presión) | |
Funcionamiento | Optimizado para largos periodos de carga | |
Tiempo | Hinchado 30 seg. / Deshinchado 40 seg. | |
Alimentación | 1x230 Vac-50 Hz (opcional 60 Hz) |
HINCHABLE | Tejido Hinchable | Especial Antiabrasión (no PVC) |
Trama | Nylon resistente a la punción | |
Recubrimiento | Resina impermeabilizante | |
Tensores | Elastómeros para zonas de viento | |
FRONTAL | Tejido Frontal | Poliéster de alta tenacidad, con revestimiento PVC |
Tratamiento | UV + Ignífugo | |
Color | Negro | |
Señalización | Balizas amarillas en los laterales y dintel |
DEFENSAS | Protección | Estructura abrigo |
Material | UPN acero laminado caliente | |
Color | Negro con pintura epoxi | |
MODELOS | Isotérmico | Aislamiento perimetral incrementado |
Integral | Laterales prolongados hasta el suelo | |
Adaptable | Mecánicamente a diferentes alturas camiones |
- Isothermal
- Integral
- Adaptable
- Large dimensions
- Personalized
- Fan for 60 Hz
- Black Lacquered Steel Fenders
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